Sunday, July 14, 2013

In The Garden

The garden has been moving into a new season over the past 3 weeks. The tomatoes and cucumbers were over taken by caterpillars and have been cut back while the field peas, watermelon, cantaloupe, and other heat tolerant foods have found their place and are moving in with full force. The insects have also started to change and take on different roles. Squash bugs are dissipating, caterpillars are everywhere, and the ants that were once a killer of new squash and cabbage plants are now an asset to the garden as they consume aphids on the field peas and other plants. I'm learning that even with a very diverse companion strategy, I still may need organic additives from time to time to help things along. For the ants in the spring it was Diatomaceous Earth and now it's Thuricide for the caterpillars.  For a first year garden, things are going pretty good.

Squash pouring over the walking path.

Cantaloupe, parsley, firecracker plant, lemon grass, and salvia.

Okra sprouting next to eggplant.

Pinapple Guava with Malabar Spinach growing along the bottom.

Strawberries, watermelon, and oregano.

Sweet Almond Bush to attract pollinators.  There is a pollinator on the the left I haven't been able to identify.

Watermelon growing at the base of a young apple tree.

Some plants thriving while others produce seed.

My busy boy putting some of his energy into shelling peas.

Happy Gardening! Pin It

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